Welcome To Teaching Heart's Down on the Farm
If you will be
teaching about the farm or doing a thematic topic
on this, then you are in the
right place. So sit down on that pile of hay over
there and make yourself at home on the farm.
Below you will find poems, songs, lessons, great
links, printables and much more
for you farm theme. O, watch where you step while
exploring this unit, you may step over a good
idea - don't miss a thing!

the Unit
I like to start units with a KWL chart. The
students list what they know about the farm under
K. They raise their hands, tell me something they
know and I write it on the chart. Next they tell
me some things they would like to know. I list
those under the W. As we work on our farm theme
we fill in things we learned under the the L.
We also discuss farm
words. I have these words on cardstock with a
picture that matches the word.
Farm Preschool and Kindergarten Packet will make
your farm unit lots of learning fun!
Here are some of the
items in the packet! You can learn more about
this packet
the Farm
Fun Preview to see more
Hands-on Activities
for a Preschool or Kindergarten Farm
Themed Unit. Craft templates, pocket
chart manipulatives, math and literacy
centers, games, and more to create a
hands-on Farm unit you can use for years
with your students. Over 75 pages in this
pdf document!!! Below is a detailed list
of the items found in this set. Please
see the preview for more pictures and
Page 4 How Many on the Farm
Worksheet. Students look at a farm
picture and count how many they see of
each given animal. Terms most and least
are also used..
Page 5 to 12Counting Center. Print,
laminate, and cut. Provide clothes pins.
Student counts and marks how many with
the clothespin.
Page 13 to 15Patterning Activities.
Velcro center and a cut and paste
Pages 16 to 18Graphing Fun
Activity. Page 17 should be printed and
displayed. Students look at page 17 to
answer and fill in page 18.
Pages 19 to 23Farm Puzzle Fun. Four
farm themed puzzles that I suggest you
print, laminate, and cut. One is counting
by 1s. Another is counting by
5s. The third is a blank one that
you can fill in with any skill
(ABCs, count by 10s, count by
) The fourth is a matching
Page 24 30Beginning sound
fun. Various activities for class
instruction and individual practice.
Page 31 to
33Animal FriendsA little cut
and trace book. Students trace the words
and numbers. They color and then cut out
a smaller animal to glue on the hill in
the background of the bigger animals box.
Page 34 to 35Fun with farm
play-dough mats.
Page 36 to 37A cow themed craft
with templates that goes along well with
the story Click Clack Moo.
Page 38 to 41Guess the animal in
the barn manipulatives to use during
class instruction.
Page 42 to 47Counting dots on cows
and matching them to the correct number.
Small center and larger class
demonstration size.
Page 48 to 51Five Black Cows Class
Interactive Chart Pieces. Everything you
need to make an interactive display to go
along with a fun counting poem.
Page 52 to 54PIG
CRAFTTemplates to create a pig
using a balloon.
Page 56 to 60A pig themed finger
play written by C. Gallagher. Includes
graphics to create a interactive chart to
use with the finger play!
Page 61 to 63 Five pigs interactive
book for students to make. Coloring and
tracing involved. Great activity to use
after using the chart on 56 to 60.
Page 64 to 66 Roll a Farm Scene
GameAll materials need to make
game. Just supply dice.
Page 67 to 70T is for Tractor and
Turkey Craft. Includes patterns and a fun
idea for a creative craft using the
students picture.
Page 71Tracing lowercase letters
and adding the missing letter.
Page 73 76A fun counting game
played in small groups. Everything you
need to play the game is included.
All activities are copyright C. Gallagher
www.teachingheart.net 2013for
single classroom use only $12.99

Phonics Fun!
Find pictures of
farm animals. During circle time hold up a
picture and ask the class to tell you the sound
they hear at the start, middle, or end of the
word. For example:
Teacher holds up a
pig and says what sound do you hear in the middle
of this word and a student says /i/.
Teacher holds up a
picture of a chicken and ask what sound the
students hear at the start of the word and the
students say /ch/
Teacher holds up a
dog and asks what the students hear at the the
end of this word and the students say /g/.
Colors of Food That Comes From The Farm
Have each student
bring in their favorite fruit or veggie that is
either brown, orange, green, or yellow. Graph the
colors of food brought in.
Bread and Butter With Your Class
The student love it
when I bring in my bread machine. This makes for
a great math lesson. Make the bread with the
class and then have each student make their own
butter to place on the bread.
I found the little
chant below on www.kinderkorner.com
The students enjoy singing this when they get to
the shaking part of the lesson>
I print this on chart paper.
SUNG TO : Twinkle,
Making Butter Boogie
Shake it up
Shake it down
Shake it, shake it all around.
Shake it high
Shake it low
Shake it, shake it to and fro.
Shake it over
Shake it under
Pretty soon, you'll have butter!
Place some heavy
cream (whipping cream) in a baby food jar. Fill
each jar half way with the cream. Insert a clean
marble into the jar.. Have the students shake the
jar. Next, mix in a pinch of salt and a few drops
of yellow food coloring. Spread the butter on the
bread for your students to taste. Allow the
students to take home their butter to share with
their family. After the class finishes this
activity, have each student write about how to
make butter.
Some Farm Fun
a cute craft idea that goes great with the story Click
Clack Moo, Cows that Type.

reading story we did various cow themed
activities and this was one of them. The
template for the mouth, ears, and horns will be
on the farm packet -
click here to learn more.
you need for this craft is:
Sponges that you cut up to resemble cow spots.
Black paint.
Regular paper plate.
Pink and yellow paper.
For the kiddos I did
this craft with (4 year olds), In advance
I cut and taped the ears and horns on.
I had them draw the eyes. I drew
the mouth circles on the pink
paper. They added the nose and
mouth. Then they cut out the pink
mouth circles.

They added six spots
to their cows using my cut sponges
(dollar store). My favorites
seasoned preschool teacher (Mrs. Amy)
gave me a great idea to keep hands
(I forgot to take a
) Add a clothes pin
clip to the top of the sponges. All
the kids do is grab the clothes pin and
no paint on hands
LOVE it!


Here is my
I should have taken a
picture of the various finished ones done
by the kids. They all looked
different and very cute!!

The kiddos loved
holding the plates up to their faces and
saying Click, Clack,
.. Clickity, Clack,
Pig Balloon Craft!
An Easy
Piggy Balloon Craft. Templates used
for the eyes and nose of the pig come
from the Teaching Heart Farm
Packet found here!
I blew up
all the balloons in advance thank
goodness I have a lot of hot air

The kiddos
colored the ears and the nose. They
cut them and I helped them tape them on
their balloon. Then they
added a mouth and eyes! They loved
these little guys
They are
pretty cute if I do say so
what do you think? Out of 24, only
one popped before the end of the day.

Pretend With This Pig Nose Craft
These were super
easy to do with preschool
just one egg section of an egg
carton. I pre-cut the carton and
punched holes and strung elastic.
The kiddos painted them with pink
paint. They added the nose holes
with a black marker. They loved
these as well
They all looked
really cute too!

Farm Snacks!
made pink cupcakes. I made the
cupcakes in advance (pink cake mix) and
pink icing. I added the ears (Wafer
cookies) and the kids added the noses
(marshmallows) and eyes (chocolate
chips)! I thought it was cute when
one of the boys said to me..
Mrs. Gallagher, my pig tastes
nothing like ham or bacon!
Teacher Resources!
Click on a book to
learn more at Amazon!

Farm Play-Doh!

I wanted to
create a mud themed play-dough for my
farm themed play-dough mats that are
part of my farm packet
click here. I feel like a
play-dough pro now since I have made many
kinds of play-dough over the past
year. I came up with this recipe on
my own and it turned out great.
So here is
the recipe for the muddy chocolate
4 cups
all purpose flour
1 large package of
dry chocolate Jell-O pudding
3 and a half cups salt
5 and a half cups water
4 TBSP cream of tartar
5 TBSP vegetable oil
Mix all
ingredients together in large pot.
Heat over medium-low heat stirring
constantly until a dough starts to form
and pulls away from the sides of the
pot. When dough is not longer
sticking to the pan, remove it from the
pot. Let still until cool enough
and then knead until it reaches a
play-dough consistency. I store my
dough in the disposable Ziploc containers
and they keep forever. The smell of
this is so fun
It smells so
good, I almost wanted to taste it.
I didnt could you imagine
with all that salt?
This make a
large batch for many students to enjoy.
I set the
dough at my play-dough center in
Pre-School and it was lots of fun.
The mats are from the farm packet (click here to see
the packet)! I just
laminate them once they are printed.

can use cutouts to add animals, tractors,
and more

student was busy
I love the
eggs that came out of the chicken coop,
dont you?

Add some little
tractors to the play-dough area and the
kids enjoy making roads and tractor marks
with the dough
Even I enjoyed

Ideas From Others
Sent to me by sharing teachers
Make Some Mud
A fun follow-up
activity for this poem is creating edible mud
with your class.
For this activity, you will need per student:
1 pudding cup
3 Oreo cookies
2 gummy worms
a spoon
a ziploc bag
You may want to
previously open the pudding cups and place the
remaining ingredients inside a ziploc bag for the
students. This helps the process run more
smoothly, and they will be excited enough as it
1.Open ziploc bag
and remove gummy worms.
2."Bury" the gummy worms in the pudding
3. Reseal the ziploc and use fists to pound the
Oreos into "dirt".
4. Sprinkle Oreo crumbs on top.
5.Pick up "shovels" (spoons) and dig
Thanks to Sammy Lynn

A Day
on The Farm Mini Book
Each student creates
an easy to read book by filling in blanks,
illustrating, and coloring farm picture.
The words in the
book are as follows:
Title: A Day at the Farm (student colors a barn)
Page 1: On the farm I see _____ cow standing in
the grass. The cow says "moo!" (student
fills in the word one, colors the cow, and
illustrates grass)
Page 2: On the farm I see _____ farmers smiling
at me. The farmers say, "Hello!"
(student fills in the word two and color the boy
and girl farmers.)
Page 3: On the farm I see ______ sheep getting
read to eat. The sheep say, "Bah!"
(student fills in the word three and colors the
Page 4: On the farm I see _________ pigs looking
for mud. I pigs say, "OINK!" (student
fills in the word 4 and colors the pigs)
Page 5: Student draws a farm picture.
Page 6: I see _______ chickens getting ready to
lay eggs. The chicken say, "Cluck!"
(student fills in the word five, colors, and
draws some eggs)
Page 7: Here are some farm words I have learned.
(The student colors the farm picture and writes
some farm words in the space.)
Now the book can be
read at home!
About It
Give your students
farm stationary and have them write a story on
In the Barnyard
Have your students
write about what the see, hear, smell, and taste
in the barnyard.
Picture Graph
You can print it
Click Below!!!
Picture Graph - student answers questions about a
picture graph (k-1)

Great Farm Videos - Pick
to share with you class while you study farm.
Click on a video to learn more!
(Wheels on the bus)
The cow in barn goes moo, moo, moo,
Moo, moo, moo. Moo, moo, moo,
All around the farm.
The pig in the pen goes oink, oink,
The hens in the coop go cluck..........
The lambs on the hill go baa,........
The ducks on the pond go quack
Around the Barnyard
around the barnyard
The animals are fast asleep.
Sleeping cows and horses,
Sleeping pigs and sheep.
comes the cocky rooster
To sound his daily alarm.
Wake up sleepy farm!"
is coming up
Farmer's out the door,
He will go to milk the cows,
And start his daily chores.
Sun is going down
Horse is in the stable,
All the fields are planted now,
Supper's on the table.
is the Barn
is the barn
(form a roof shape with your hands)
Where I like to go
(Walk in place)
It's as tall as a tree
(Point up overhead)
And cozy, you know
(Hug body with arms)
Here is the barn,
(Make a roof shape with your hands)
I'll go there with you
(Walk in place)
To pet a sweet lamb
(Pretend to pet a lamb)
And cuddle it, too!
(Pretend to hug a lamb)
a Farm" (Sung to "London Bridge
is Falling Down")
live on a farm, on a farm, on a farm.
live on a farm, with the farmer.
and pigs live on a farm, on a farm, on a
and pigs live on a farm, with the farmer.
and sheep live on a farm, on a farm, on a
and sheep live on a farm, with the
and chicks live on a farm, on a farm, on
a farm.
and chicks live on a farm, with the
Take Me
Out to the Barnyard
(Sung to: Take Me Out to the
by Judy Hall
me out to the barnyard.
Take me out there right now.
Show me the cows, pigs and horses, too.
I hear an oink and a neigh and a moo.
There are chickens laying their eggs.
If they don't lay it's a shame.
Oh, it's one, two, three eggs today,
And I'm glad I came.
We learned the piggy
mud finger play found in my farm packet here. After we did
the finger play a few times and saw
it acted out on the manipulative ( all pieces in the
farm set here), we completed the
piggy little book (in farm packet). The little
book helps the kids count backwards like
in the finger play found in the
set. As the children turn the page
of the little book a pig
disappears. Great to take home when
they are done.
We also completed
some farm centers
counting puzzles, and more all from the packet
found here!
Favorite Farm Books

Some dirty
piggy fun to share from our new farm
packet found here on e-junkie!
Here is a
muddy piggy craft that is fun to complete
after you read two of my favorite books
with muddy piggies in them!
Mrs. Wishy
Washys Farm and Ten Dirty

We made the
pigs using the template found in this
packet. For
a tail we just used wrapping
ribbon. After we have our pig
altogether, it is time to get them dirty
with a little muddy paint. I made
this paint as follows
1/2 cup of
chocolate pudding
3 tablespoons of oatmeal
three tablespoons of Elmers glue
1/3 cup of used coffee grounds
Add brown paint to the mix I added
about 1/3 cup
(My paint
dried quickly and it smelled good and
looked muddy
we applied it
with q-tips. Just slop it on

Here is a
fun printable book that is a great way
for students to retell the story in
class. We colored this book after
reading Mrs. Wishy Washy!!! The
book is on our farm packet
found here !

interactive chart about five clean and
then later dirty pigs is hands-on fun and
is part of our farm packet
found here!

I shared my chocolate
muddy pudding recipe with you here! Love
this stuff
it has been a couple of
weeks and when I pulled this out it was
still soft and smelled o-so
yummy!!! This time we used it with
the Mrs. Wishy
Washy Dirty Animals Play-dough mats found
in this set!!!

The kids had
a blast with this. I set out
cut-out masks (we just tied them around
our necks like a necklace) of the
animals from the story, an apron and
washing brush (for Mrs. Wishy Washy),
some mud (brown paper), and a tub
(laundry basket). First we acted
out the story as a class taking
turns. Then, I left the stuff out
at center time and the kids enjoyed
acting it out again on their own.
Super cute! My mask cut-outs are in
my farm pack.
(click here to check that out!)

For an easy
& fun snack to match the book we ate
animal crackers and chocolate
pudding. The kids dipped the animal
crackers in the mud.

For a
sensory activity we let some of
our farm animals roll in the
mud. The animals stomped their
feet on a piece of paper that the kids
let dry and took home with them
later. Last each child cleaned the
animals off in the water using a
sponge. They loved this
For mud I used pudding, oatmeal, rice,
corn, and flour all mixed together.
As you can
see we has quite a mud filled day thanks
to the story Mrs. Wishy
Washy that
inspired it all!
always start units off with great books. Here are
some of my favorite
farm books. Add a bushel of hay to your reading
corner along with some of these farm books Click
on a book to learn more!
Farm Products For Learning Centers
Click on a product to learn more!
Favorite Links To Other Farm Goodies!

Copyright 2003-2013
Teaching Heart