first read, Mosaic of Thought in a Literature
Circle and I was impressed with the book and
began using the terms with my students. Mosaic
stresses that we need to teach children what good
readers do when they read. Good readers make
connections with the text. They make text to text
connections, text to self connections, and text
to world connections. Teachers need to model the
connections they make while they read and
encourage their students to do the same. This
book really made me think about how I read and
what I DO while I read. Mosaic of Thought
redefines teaching reading comprehension in a
workshop approach. Teaching comprehension as a
strategic process enables readers to make
connections and move beyond literal recall. This
book will get you excited about teaching reading.
After reading Mosaic, I suggest you read
Strategies That Work.

One year later, I
read Strategies that worked. This book tells how
to teach your students to think while reading
(through think-alouds) and gives many minilessons
for teaching comprehension. This book is divided
into three parts: Part 1, THE FOUNDATIONS OF
MEANING, explains how research based
comprehension strategies support and enhance
student learning; Part 2, STRATEGY LESSONS AND
MORE, focuses on strategy lessons, response
options, and assessment practices; Part 3,
numerous resources listing picture books to use
for teaching each of the seven comprehension
strategies. Throughout the book, the author's
talk about "anchor
lessons" and the
importance of using the first lessons as a way
for students to remember a specific strategy and
apply it. The idea of anchor lessons really
assist the student in learning and applying the
strategies taught! This book teaches us that we
want our students to come to realize how
important their thinking is when they read.
to Buy Mosaic
to Buy Strategies