Here are many ideas
that teachers have shared on various mailrings or
chatboard. I have compiled them in an easy to
read format so that they may be used by many! I
add to this section as I see new ideas. If you
have an idea or link that I do not have, please
send it my way and I will add it to the page!!!
Thank you to the teachers who have an idea
featured below!
Wow, there is a
million things you can do. My favourite was to
get stalks of celery (top left on), spread either
Cheez Whiz or peanut butter and sprinkle Alpha
Bits Cereal on top. This can be done with a
simple recipe for the children to follow
(therefore, sequencing, and following
instructions, cooking...). You should also try
doing a search on Google, for I have seen many
good ideas on there for that book. Have
fun! - Posted by BC
K. teacher
on 6/25/02

I have the kids
trace their hands and cut them out for the
branches. I just give them a brown trunk and they
cut out a
couple of coconuts. They glue it all onto a sheet
of paper.
I have the letters of their names written on
small squares of
different colored paper. They put the letters of
their name
in order climbing up or down the tree. They are
very colorful
and look great hanging up. Terri/K/PA on 8/22/02

I use brightly
colored copy paper for the backround, have the
tear the paper for the tree trunk and leaves, and
use neon dot
stickers (that you can get for garage sale items)
for their
names. The stickers come on sheets; I cut off the
number of dots
that they need for the letters in their name, and
write the
letters in scambled order on the dots. Then, they
place the
stickers in order coming down the tree trunk.
Those who don't
know how to spell their name yet use the name
tags on their desks
for a guide. The kids enjoy the stickers, and the
bright colors
are reminiscent of the book -- it looks great on
a bulletin board,
and later as a class book!

Another Idea for a
door or BBoard. Make or buy a cocconut
tree. Use the ellison to cut out letters (I used
fun foam and
it looked real good.) and place randomly. Post a
sign: CHICKA
then write
the children's names on animal cutouts (birds,

My favorite book!! I
make a bulletin board that I leave up all
year. I make it to look like the cover of the
book. I have
orange border and I added pink dots, or is it
pink border w/orange
dots...hmmmmm can't remember right now. I roll
brown paper to
make the trunk and cut large leaves out of green.
I die cut all
the letters of the alphabet and scatter them
around the tree. I
add the title Chicka Chicka Boom Boom in green
and purple. I have
the kids trace and cut out their hands from green
paper and attach
them to a brown trunk (mounted on another paper).
I give them the
letters of their name on small squares of
different colored paper.
They put them in correct climbing up/down the
trunk. I also do
the celery snack. Last year and the year before
we made Chicka
Chicka t-shirts at the end of the year. The kids
made handprints
with green fabric paint on the shirt. I had
adults sponge paint a
trunk and add coconuts. The adults then scattered
the letters of
the kids' names on the shirt. On the back, the
adults wrote Chicka
Chicka Boom Boom w/dot letters. We used these for
our field trip
t-shirts and our end of the year program. I saw
2nd graders still
wearing them to school this past year! We also
have made coconuts
bye attaching a white circle inside a larger
brown one. The kids
wrote/traced their names on the white circle. We
then added
crushed shredded wheat to the brown and real
coconut to the white.
Messy, but cute! I've gotten most of these ideas
of this site.
I know I have a file at school w/some more, but I
can't remember
all of them. Scholastic has a wonderful tape to
go w/the book.
It's always my kids' favorite K song! You'll have
fun w/this
theme!!!! - Posted by Terri/K/PA on 6/25/02

I have the children
tear a tree out of brown and green bulletin
board paper and then I give them a few brown
pom-poms to make
coconuts. Then we take sand from the sand table
and they add a
sandy beach to the bottom. Then the next day they
cut out the
letters of their name from magazines and run them
up the tree.
They turn out so cute and they make a great
bulletin board. - jmoe k NC

I'm doing it. I take
a piece of bulletin board paper and have the
students paint a border around the edge. Then
they will paint dots around. In the middle of the
paper the chicka tree will go and they will glue
pre-cut letters on the paper (the letters of
their name) In the end we'll make it into a BIG
book for our literacy night.

Innovate the story
of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by changing the
letters in the alphabet with the children in your
classroom. You can do it together and have the
children illustrate the pages. Have the children
draw or glue in pictures of themselves climbing
the coconut tree. The teacher can supervise or
simply add the finishing touches. The children
love the final copy and will ask to read it

For this book I used
a piece of poster board and made a palm tree out
of construction paper. I then cut out 52 brown
coconuts and wrote a lowercase letter on 26 and
uppercase on the others. You get the idea. Using
velcro, the can match the uppercase letters to
the lowercase that are glued on the tree. I
strongly suggest laminating, the coconuts tend to
fall off after a while.

I used tempera paints and sponges to paint a palm
tree onto my chalkboard that is magnetic.Then let
students place the magnetic letters in the tree
either in ABC order or match upper and lower
case. I also would build a child's name with the
magnets and sing "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
,Look Who's in Our Room" and have them
identify their name. I started out using sponge
letters to stamp onto the tree then had students
match the magnet letters to them, later I washed
those off and had the students just use the
magnets. - Wendy Robertson

Hi! For science I
have a 4 day deal that I do with the children.
Day 1: WE pass around and discuss a real coconut
- what's inside, how it feels, etc. Day 2: I open
the coconut up with a hammer in front of the
children and we pour out the milk and we feel and
smeel the inside of the coconut. Day 3: We taste
the real cononut and the shredded coconut and
graph our favorite. Day 4: WE make a coconut
fruit salad : 1 cup of cherries, 1 cup of
mandarine oranges, 1 cup of pineapple chunks, 1
cup of sliced banana, and 1 cup of shredded
coconut, mix and eat! I also use science journals
and everyday we wirte and draw about the
acitivity we did in science. - Beth Davis

After talking about
the letters in the book, I teach the kids
the word "initials." We look at our
name cards with first and
last names written on them, then I help each
child recognize
which letters are their initials. I have a set of
stencils in which I duplicated many of the more
commonly used
letters (S, T, etc.) I help each child go through
the pile of
stencils and find the two letters that are their
initials (you
could just use the first letter in their first
name, but I find
that some of the kids really get a huge kick out
of knowing
their initials!) They trace these letters on
paper and decorate them - sometimes just with
markers, other
times I throw out my "junk" (cotton
balls, sequins, ribbons,
seeds, fabric scraps, etc.) and let them go to

I use the book at
the beginning of the year, but I also use it
when we finish our alphabet. We made T-shirts
this year with
fabric crayons. There was a tree on the front and
it said CHICKA
CHICKA BOOM BOOM and on the back it said WE KNOW
all wore these proudly on the week we finished
our alphabet! They
were adorable! Also (and I can't take credit for
this idea) one
teacher on the mailring does a bulletin board at
the beginning of
BARTON'S ROOM and you put up the letter each
child's name begins
with. Hope these help! - Posted by Karen

I can't take credit
for this idea because it was on the mail-ring
months ago. You use small
plastic drink bottles(like what bottled water
comes in) and you let the children put
alphabet pasta, beads, glitter, beans, and
whatever else you think they'll enjoy inside the
bottle. They can decorate the outside of the
bottle with alphabet stickers. They could even
make a little grass skirt out of construction
paper or art tissue to tape around the bottle.
These Chicka boom boom bottles can them be used
when you retell the story. When you
read the words "Chicka Chicka" the
children shake their bottles. When you say
boom" they tap the bottles on their hands.
My class had a great time making and playing
with these. They couldn't wait to take them home.
Tammy in Louisiana

All right, I'm a
first grade teacher and we happen to like this
book too. This a chant that I do with the kids. I
say a line and
then the kids echo it back.
I said a boom Chicka
I said a boom Chicka boom.
I said a boom Chicka rocka Chicka rocka Chicka
A ha!
Oh yeah!
One more time!
Then we do it over
in a different voice. After they get the idea,
the kids decide what voice to use. ( ie.
baby,giant, mouse,
whispery, deep, etc.) This is so much fun!!
I also chart it and
we change the beginning sound of boom to an
"F" using a sticky paper. Then we read
it as - I said a foom
chicka foom. And on and on. Have fun!!
Re: Chicka- Challenge!!!!!!
Posted by Gisha on 7/02/98

Language Arts
Take a picture of
each child in the class. On each page, instead of
having letters go up the coconut tree, replace
them with the children's names. Eg. (John told
Angle and Angie told Tracy, "I'll meet you
at the top of the coconut tree." Chicka
Chicka Boom Boom! Will there be enough room?)
Paste each child's picture to teh coconut tree on
the same page as their name. The children have a
lot of fun with this activity because they
actually become part of the book. Colleen:)/k-3

Our Book Of Names Program 26 pages with the words
"I have letter ____ in my name. . . "
Write one letter for each page. When you
are working on a particular letter, take out the
page with the same letter on it. Have any
child with the letter in their first name write
it on the page. If you can, photcopy small
pictures of each child so you can put their
picture beside their name each time they write
it. For example: I have letter Mm in my name . .
. TammyMatthew Emily
Click the link above and search fopr palm trees.
You can buy some cheap and festive palm trees
through this site.
Chick Boom Boom Dice
Game - Get a large palm tree cutout for three
students. Give each student a cup of coaco puffs
cereal (Coconuts). The students take turn rolling
the dice and putting the correct number of cereal
on their tree.

Some ideas from
Primary Teacher Timesavers for Teaching Reading
and Literature (k-3) CDROM
here to learn how to get the great goodies below
& SO MUCH MORE For Teaching With Literature!

Chicka Coconuts Count
Picture story problems for students to complete.
Count the coconuts that fell from the tree. (k-1)
Coconut Word Building -
students cut apart given letters and complete
four activities with the letters. (1-3)
ABC's on Coconut Trees -
Here are cards with a coconut tree and a letter
of the alphabet on them. They can be used for
many activities. Print, laminate, cut, and use as
you wish. One idea is to place a letter in a
pocket chart as you read. You may also make a set
for each student in your class. The students
could put the letters in ABC order. (k-1)
Chicka Mini
Counting Book
(free to print!)
Print these pages for your students. Includes a
title page and word bank page. The student must
count the coconuts that fell from the tree and
write the number word in the sentence. When the
student has finished writing the words in the
blanks, they may cut the pages and staple to form
a mini book to read to an adult at home or a
friend at school. (K-1)
Lowercase & Uppercase Match-Up
File Folder -
Everything you need to put together a file folder
game. You may also choose to place magnets on the
back of the pieces and use as a center on a
magnetic board. The student places the correct
tree top on the trunk (k-1)