Cars Theme Unit
teachers will find ideas with a Cars theme for your
classroom & parents will find ideas to use while they
create a Cars birthday party theme!
Free Cars
Printables From Teaching Heart
Cars Fruit Snacks Graph - Graph the candy from the
Sorting Disney Cars - Sort pictures from the
movie and count
Cars Word Search - Free Time Fun or Great
start to a party!
Great Cars
Poems and
Songs on a Car Theme
(tune: B-I-N-G-O)
Look at my bright shiny car,
I'm driving it today-o!
C-A-R (beep! beep!)
C-A-R (beep! beep!)
I'm driving it today-O!
"Frere Jacques")
Watch the cars go, watch the cars go,
Whiz-zing by, whiz-zing by.
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep,
That's like mine! That's like mine!
Watch the bus go, watch the bus go,
Rolling by, rolling by.
Stop for all the people, stop for all the people.
Get on board! Get in board!
See the trucks go, see the trucks go
Down the street, down the street.
Gas and oil and milk trucks,
Mail and trash and dump trucks,
On their way, on their way.
(sung to: "When Johnny Comes Marching
We like to travel in our car,
Hurrah, hurrah.
A car can take us near or far,
Hurrah, hurrah.
We buckle up before we go,
Whether we're going fast or slow,
So we'll all be safer while riding in our car!
(by Vicki Swanning)
Play the music from the movie!
Disney Pixar Cars Products from Amazon
Great for listening center!
Great set of games for a center!
Ideas for the Classroom

Pour a puddle of paint on a grocery tray. Drive a car
through the paint, and then drive it on some paper.
Science Activity: CARS IN A BUBBLE
Blow a big bubble on the counter top. Dip a toy car into
bubble solution and drive it into the bubble. You will
have a car in a bubble.
Yummy Activity: CAR SANDWHICH
You can make cars out of sandwiches too. You use a dinner
roll instead of bread. I use carrot circles for the
wheels but you could use anything round and about that
size. We usually put racing stripes on with cream cheese
or mustard and sometimes we even make a little driver out
of a radish.
Invite the children to cut out pictures of cars from old
magazines -make a collage.
Discuss why we have cars - what other types of vehicles
are there?
They are currently making CARS Gummy Fruit Snacks. You
could graph the candy in the bag. If you can't find the
CARS brand, you can buy the matchbox fruit snacks and use
Click here to download
graphing sheet to use with the CARS Fruit Snacks
Sort the characters and answer questions about the group.
Click here for a sorting
Cars and Reading
Have the kids bring toy cars from home to share. Help
them arrange the cars in a letter C!
students match the Cars characters to the letter their
name starts with. Print the letters S, M, D, F, on cards.
Print the characters Sally, Mater, Doc, and Filmore on
cards. Students match the letter to the character.
Kids love to make car noises. Let them following you
along a imaginary road and pretend to be cars. Go fast
and "zoom" go slowly, stop quickly and
as brakes work - go around lots of curves -
putt-putt-putt with enginetrouble
racetrack on the door or in the hallway with a title
welcoming the students. For example, "We are on the
right track", "Racing toward a Great
Year", and "Mrs. G's class are all
winners" .
Have students desk tags made in the shape of cars and
have teams related to cars characters(Team Mater, team
McQueen, Team Sally...).
a graphic of a car on a numberline to track the number of
days of schools. Move the car each day to show which day
you are on.
FOR READING: As a reading bulletin board:
Decorate as a racetrack. Give each student a car
character of their choice. Place the students name or
picture on their car. Have markers for each book read.
PLATE RUBBINGS: Using old license plates (or plate on
cars in the parking lot) allow students to do rubbings of
the plates. Provide paper and crayons for the rubbings
Print out graphics from the movie onto iron on paper.
Iron the images onto a bag. In the bag place the read
along book CARS. Place a Cars Matchbox in the bag. Place
a Cars game in the bag.
from other teachers:
I did a unit
on cars (vehicles) years ago in Pre-K and remember a few
-we walked to a street that was fairly busy, sat down in
2 groups (aide helped) and tallied the vehicles that
drove by. A chart was divided into 4 columns with the
headings, cars, vans, suv, trucks. The kids would call
out the type of vehicle that drove by , and I would do my
best to tally each one. Then we returned to class and
compared the results.
-kids brought boxes of any size in and we used paint,
markers, a variety of lids, and collage material to
"create" a vehicle.
-I drew an outline of a VW- looking car, and the kids
decorated it, and added people. I wrote on the car as
they answered the question: Where would you like to go in
a car, and who would you go with? We made a book.
Just a few ideas, Hope this helps.
At my school
we do a transportation unit. At the end of the unit we
have a transportation parade. We have the parade at the
end of January, but start preparing the parents for in in
December. This is a project completed at home. We ask the
parents to start thinking of ideas and to save a box
during the holiday season. Each family takes the box and
makes it into any form of transportation. We send home
measurements- they all need to fit through doors. The
students wear the boxes. We have done this for the past 3
years. Everyone loves it. The students all walk around
the school wearing them as the other students stand
outside their doors cheering them on. We live by Route
66, so we teach them the song and it plays through the
loudspeaker system. It was great watching the movie
Cars...they had our town's name as a bumper sticker! (and
the soundtrack has a better Route 66 song). We also go to
the local musuem and look at how transportation has
changed from the past to the present. Just some things we
Party Ideas
*Cars Shirt:
Make a personalized shirt as a gift for a CARS fan or
make one as a favor for each guest. Below are examples of
shirts I made for my son and his friend. I just find the
graphics I wish to use and print them on iron on paper.
Then I follow the directions on the paper and iron on the
*Cars Bag -
Similar to the shirt. Find graphics you want to use and
iron them on to a bag. You can put car related gifts into
the bag for the birthday boy or girl. You can get the
smaller tote bags on Oriental Trading (they come in bulk)
and make favor bags for each guest. I have done this for
a Thomas Theme (click here to view)!!!
*Note Pads -
buy notepads at the dollar store and print graphics on
sticky paper for a notepad for each guest. You can view
the Thomas notepads by clicking here (same idea!).
Click here
for the publisher notepad template I made.
Here is a Sample of an invitation I created for my sons
party. It is a postcard and prints 4 per page. After you
print the first side, turn the paper over and print page
2. Address the card and send it to the people you wish to
invite to the party!

of postcard invitation!

of invitation
*Candy Bar Wrapper Favor

Wrap a
Hershey's Bar in this wrapper and stick in your favor
You can print this PDF to use. Click

Each year for my sons birthday I do a CD of his favorite
songs to include in the party favor bag.
This is how the CD turned out the year I did cars!
Links to more