Cane Ideas
Enjoy a Yummy
Treat With Your Class. Links, Ideas, and
Printables to use with a Candy Cane Theme or
Decemebr 6, 2003
Cane Relay
Divide players into two teams. Give each player a
chopstick. (The cheap, disposable wooden ones
work fine.) Each team forms a line, and each
player holds his or her chopstick in front of him
or her. Place a candy cane on the chopstick of
the first student. At a given signal, the player
must turn and pass the chopstick on to the next
player who in turn passes it on down the row.
Players may touch the candy cane only with their
chopstick. If the candy cane falls to the ground,
and players cannot retrieve it with their
chopsticks, the player who was passing it may
pick it up and put it back on his or her
chopstick, but a ten-second penalty will be
assessed. When the candy cane reaches the last
player, the player must run to the front of the
line with the candy cane on his or her chopstick.
The first team to get the candy cane back to the
front of its line wins.
make a candy canes as part of a patterning
activity. I use a 6 x 9 = (a 12 x 18 sheet cut in
4ths) piece of dark blue with the thin outline of
acandy cane drawn on it. With red and white
1-inch squares the children make a pattern along
the line. I help a little, if necessary, going
around the curve. Then they paste the squares on.
They really look cute. This year Iwas thinking of
having them practice with 1-inch tiles first so
they get = the=20 idea.
many different candy cane shapes with different
numbers of stripes. Have the children count the
stripes on the cnady canes. Ask the children who
had the most, the least and make a chart of how
many lines were on the candy canes. Which number
of stripes did most people have?
Cane Weighing
Supply the children with a balance and candy
canes to experiment with.
you made Rudolph with them? give each student a
candycane. Have them glue on 2 wiggly eyes, a
tiny red
pompom, twist a brown pipecleaner around the
head. use some other smaller pipecleaner pieces
to twist around the first one to make antlers. We
make candy cane pins using a half of a pipe
cleaner and red and white tri beads..2 white, 2
red..etc..i hot
glue a pinback on when they are finished. By
made candy cane patterns. I have seen them done
with inch squares in red and white. I made a
sheet of circles on the computer and printed them
on red and white. The children cut them out and
glued them together, using the pattern of their
choice in the shape of a candy cane. They are
really cute! I did this with kindergarten
children. by Belva Buchan"
a square piece of paper and color red half an
inch stripe on 2 adjacent
sides. Turn the paper over so the red is facing
the table. Put a pencil in
the white corner and roll the paper around the
pencil to the opposite
corner. Hold the corner in place. GENTLY release
a tiny bit of tension so
that the pencil falls out. Tape the corner. You
have a peppermint stick.
Bend the top into a hook and you have a candy
give my preschoolers a large white paper candy
cane (no stripes) and then
give them a strip of red paper. They have to cut
strips off the red paper
to make stripes for the candy canes. After they
cut their stripes they just
glue them on. A good cutting activity for very
young ones.
Sue Youngblut
Freeport, IL
just made cute candy canes with my pre-k class
today. I put candy cane patterns on the
easels and the children painted candy canes with
red paint mixed with mint extract. They
smell like real candy canes and make the whole
room smell good too! It is a great sensory
experience for small children. - Amy
I am in the middle of a candy
cane unit with my second graders. I first
read Sheila Rae's Peppermint Stick by
Kevin Henkes. We then used each of our
senses to write describing words as we
ate the candy cane. We then used the
words to write descriptive paragraphs.
Today we made the candy canes to go with
them. I mixed Peppermint Extract in with
the red paint to give it a peppermint
smell. We then used popsicle sticks to
drizzle the paint onto white paper .
Monday we will cut them out in the shape
of candy canes. My class really enjoyed
eating the candy canes and they loved the
smell of the paint. It gave my classroom
a nice smell too! Lauren in NJ |
Rae's Peppermint Stick Board Book and
Finger Puppet

Click the title to learn more! |
Read a Great Book! 
Cane Seeds
(Use round, red and
white peppermint candies - Place in small
envelope or baggie. These are fun to hand out to
students after reading a great Candy Cane Book!)
I once knew a
gardner who knew how to grow
Bright tasty candies, from under the snow
I asked her to share her secret with me
And this is what she replied quite readily
To garden in winter snow is difficult you see
It takes lots of care and a very special seed
Here are a couple seeds to grow your own treats
And you'll soon reap a harvest of
candy cane treats!
`Author Unknown
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1/3" x 4"mailing labels/ AVERY 8164.
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(Use the Links Below
to Purchase the Candy Cane Seed Label - Total
cost is $2.00)
Great Links To Fun

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