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School Bulletin Boards!
Updated July 2007
Take a Leap Into First Grade"
I covered the board in blue. Made a large frog, with my
name on it, sitting on a lilypad and surrounded the large
frog with small, die-cut frogs with the names of the
"Fishin' For a Great Class"
I covered the B.Board to look like a pond. Used brown
paper to make a dock. Reproduced a child sitting and
fishing. I had each child's name on a fish.
"We'll Have a T-rrific
T-shirt cuttouts with the names of the children. they
decorated the shirts at "Meet Your Teacher" and
we displayed them at that time.
"Swinging Into First
I made a tree and placed monkey cuttouts for each child
hanging from branches.
Ponton's Pond

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Class Bus
Create a large school bus and put photos (or drawings)
of your children's heads (in the windows. Add your
classes name or the teachers name to the side of the bus.
Cut pieces of paper (one for each
child) to look like
popcorn and put a picture of each of your children's
heads on kernel.
Next make a popcorn popper and put it on the board.
Title the bored something like: "Just Popping
By," "Look Who Popped In," etc
Let's Kick Off a Great Year
Write individual students' names on tennis shoes or have
kids draw shoes resembling their own.
A New Twist
For a beginning of the year bulletin board, use the game
board for a twister game as the background. Put the
spinner on as well, with the words "A new twist to a
new year." Add cut-out feet and hands with the
students' names on them. It is very colorful!
Who's the Teacher?
This bulletin board is about you, the teacher.
Choose a background and border that represent your
personality. Collect pictures, clip art, book
covers, etc. that show your interests. Laminate
them and post them on the bulletin board. Let your
students ask you questions about the items on the board.
School's In!
-Ask each child to draw their face with a fish body or a
fish with their name on the body. Use a blue paper back
ground with waves, bubbles and other sea creatures drawn
Our Class Comes
In ___ Flavours
-Cut a cone out of brown butcher paper, then add a
coloured construction paper scoop of ice cream on top.
Add a picture of the child on the ice cream scoop and put
the child's name on the cone
These were sent in by Tara
Shunk, a second grade teacher working in Maryland.
I made a big palm tree-about as tall
as my door and taped it on. Then I
made coconuts for each child (a brown oval then a smaller
white oval glued in the center of the brown one. I wrote
their names on the white part and
crushed up shredded wheat cereal and glued it to the
outer brown part. That
was a little messy but effective. I put the coconuts up
on the tree as well
as some under the tree or falling off. The caption was
Chicka,Chicka Boom
Boom-Look whose in our room!
One year I made a big pot with a
rainbow coming out of it. Put gold circles
to look like coins in the pot and wrote each child's name
on a coin. Labeled
it "Mrs. Shunk's treasures" Was fairly
easy--you could save and put new
gold coins on for a different year. Another year I cut
worm shapes out of
wallpaper, and put a little face on each one and a
child's name. Put a big
book shape in the center of the door with a few corners
missing and the
bookworms all around. Labeled the book "Mrs. Shunk's
This is a really cute welcome back to
school display that is easy. I made a
big paintbrush using brown paper for the handle, black
paper for the brush,
and a little strip of aluminum foil for the part the
attaches the brush to
the handle. I used colored paper to add to the very tip
of the bristles to
make it look like it had been dipped in paint. Then I cut
out a bunch of
paint blobs (even the MOST artistically challenged can do
this!) and wrote
each child's name on a blob. The caption was "A
Colorful Class." A white
background and lots of bright colored paint blobs makes
this really stand
out. I think I will pull this one out again this year.
This idea came from a popcorn
book. Make a popcorn theatre bag or
see if the local theatre will give you one. ( The book
had a pattern.) Put
it up on your door with pieces of construction paper
popcorn with the
student's names on them. Title it, "Pop on in!"
Using stars: "Reach
for the Stars in 2nd Grade", "2G Starring . .
.", "Mrs. Gallipoli's All-Stars"
Using feet or shoes:
"We're starting off on the right foot" or
"Step into 2nd Grade"
Using T-Shirts on a
clothesline: "2nd grade suits us to a tee" or
Mrs. Gallipoli's line-up"
Using apples: "Bushels
of fun in 2nd grade" or "The apples of my
Using frogs: "Leap
into 2nd grade" or "Toad-ally awesome
Using monkeys &
bananas: "Bananas about 2nd grade"
Using dinosaurs:
"Welcome to a dino-mite year"
Using jeans: "2nd
grade jean-iuses"
Using fish: "Welcome
to our school" or "Oceans of fun in 2nd
Using backpacks:
"Welcome to our pack!"
Using footballs:
"Kicking off a great year!"
By Linda Gallipoli
I have a large bulletin
board with my calendar, weather graphs, helpers, and the
birthdays for the current month. I also have a bulletin
board with our alphabet characters and one with words. My
color word bears, number word chart, and everything else
I put up are above the windows (not ideal to have them so
high, but my only choice).
I have two student
bathrooms in my class. I put color word posters in the
bathrooms at the beginning of the year and later I put up
a poster with our high frequency words. Some kids spend
lots of time there so I figure it can't hurt to have
educational posters up.
I do have cork strips in
the hallway to display their artwork and large things
like our completed class story maps, tree diagrams, etc.
My most important bulletin
board is the calendar board (lots of math). I have used
clothespins and a strong string to display my alphabet
before when there wasn't another option.
Good luck!
Kaylene = )
Need a Back to School BBoard? How
about having each student trace their bare foot. Then
they can draw a picture on the foot with their name.
Finally have the students cut out the feel. Place them on
a Bboard entitled, "We are starting out on the RIGHT
Place a table cloth on a bulletin
board as your background. As a border cut out ant shapes
in black. With white puffy paint write each of your
students names. Get four picnic plates and write Art on
one, math on one, reading on another, and science on the
last one. Staple the plates in the middle of the cloth.
Give the board the title, "____________ Grade Will
Be A Big Picnic."
Links to great B2S Boards
Teaching Heart
Books For
B2S / Compiled
Ideas / B2S
Printables / B2S Resource Books / Conference
Ideas / First Year
Student Teacher / Pocket
Charts / Themes / Classrooms
Around The World / Teaching
Heart Timesavers / B2S
BBoards / Calendar
Circle Time / Center
Set-up / MOOSE / Management
Tips / Behavior
Tips / Parent
Helpers / Open House / Sites / Great Deal / Themes for B2S /
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