Teaching Heart's Spider
Theme / Unit!!!
October is a month full of
spooks and it is a great time to study spiders! Here you
will find many ideas, printables, crafts, and great books
for your spider unit! This page will be updated often
during the September & October Months. So crawl back
over to see what is new!
UPDATED -September,2011
Facts About Spiders
*Spiders are not
*Spiders' babies come from eggs.
*Most spiders have either six or eight eyes.
*Not all spiders spin webs.
*There are more than 30,000 species of spiders.
*Spiders eat many types of harmful insects, helping to
keep your garden free of pests.
*All spiders have fangs, though which venom is ejected.
Spider bites can be painful and sometimes fatal.
*Not all spiders spin webs.

Make Spider
Marshmallows with your class:
For each spider, use one large
marshmallow for the body and one small marshmallow for
the head (attach with 1/2 a toothpick). Make eyes
from mini M&Ms, legs from pretzel sticks. Cover
with chocolate sauce, if desired.
Use an empty spider web and the sentence frame, "The
spider is _____ the web." Use 5 different
pages like this. On each, place a spider somewhere on the
page, and then fill in the blank accordingly. Examples:
inside, above, under, on, and beside
Character and Make a Web:
Sit the class in a circle. Hold a ball of white yarn.
Hang on to the end and toss the yarn to a child. State
something nice about the child.
The child with the yarn, hold onto a section and repeats
until everyone has had a turn. When you are done, you
will have a
spider web!
At halloween you find these in bag fulls at craft stores.
Use them for counting activities galore!
spider facts on a large web.
Make a
class graph, "Do you like spiders?"
Spider Webs Bulletin Board Idea
booklet- We make a spider booklet with spider facts on
Create web
books by emphasizing sequencing skills. Cut 12X18
black construction paper into 3X18 strips. Fold in
half and in half again to create four sections on the
strip of paper and fold accordian style. Using
white glue... "build" a web on the four
'pages'. Make the first the beginning stages and
the end a completed web. When this dries it becomes
a tactile story.
A neat idea
I have tried with my group is watching a spider weave his
web by making a wooden frame and setting the frame in
water with the majority of it above water( of course).
All you need next is a spider...I seem to have lots here
...I'm sure there's no shortage of them where you are
either : ) Anyhow, we place the spider on our
square frame and watch him weave wonders. It
amazing the learning that takes place as they watch this
little critter each day.The children even found the bugs
to feed to it!!!!!
Get 4
strawberry baskets,a spinner, plastic spiders, and a
piece of poster board. Section the board into 4
pieces. Cut out 4 circles . . . glue 1 into each
section of the board, and put the spinner in the
middle. On two of the sections write "in"
and glue a plastic spider in the middle of the
circle. On
the other two sections write "out" and glue the
spider next to the circle. KIds spin the spinner
--- if it lands on "in", they can put one
spider in their basket...if it lands on "out"
they must take one out. Whoever gets 5 spiders in
their basket first wins!!
Spiders Tea Party: Take some marshmallows
(the large jet puffed ones). Insert some chow mein
noodles as legs. Melt some chocolate and drizzleon
the marshmallows. Add 2 M & M s for
eyes. Brew some tea and enjoy!
Play the Very
Busy Spider Game!!!
Spider Tally
Mark Center From Our Fall Halloween Packet - Click to learn
more about the packet.
Here is a Spider Web tally mark
math center. You can place all the pieces in a
zip loc baggie or the students can do the
activity at their seat. You could also make this
a pocket chart center. There is a center sheet
for the students to complete after they finish
the center.

These activities are just two
of the activities found on the Teaching Heart
Fall/Halloween Packet. Click
here to learn more about this packet.
Student match
the spider to it's web by counting the tally
marks on the spider and placing it on given web.
Includes a center sheet to complete after the
center is done.
Spider Ring
time you see a pack of spider rings, grab them...
so much fun is to be had with these little
Spider's on my
Fingers Game

roll a die and place the given number of spider
rings on their fingers. The first to have spiders
on all ten fingers is the winner.
Click here to see more
activities with halloween rings and a free
printable too!

Spider Poems
Silly Willy Spider"
The silly willy spider
Crawled up on _____'s head!
It crawled all around
Then made a nice soft bed.
It wiggled down his/her shoulder
And jumped down to the floor
Then the silly willy spider
Crawled to someone else for more!
Miss Muffet"
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider
And sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away!
The Spider
in the Web
(tune: Farmer in the Dell)
The spider
in the web,
The spider in the web
Spin, spin, oh watch him
The spider in the web.
The spider
eats a (bug name)
The spider eats a _________.
Spin, spin, oh watch him
The spider in the web.
I'm a Little Teapot:
I'm a little
spider watch me spin
If you'll be my dinner
I'll let you come in
Then I'll spin a web to hold you tight
And gobble you up in ONE BIG BITE!
There's a
Spider on the Wall
Tune: Twinkle Little Star
There's a spider on the wall
If he's careful he won't fall
He moves slowly down the wall
I can watch him crawl and crawl
I wonder if he minds my stare
Or does he know and just not care?
Spider, Spider
Spider hurrying,
(Run fingers back and forth.)
Spider scurrying,
See her silken thread.
(Stretch thread between fingers and thumb.)
Spider hurrying,
(Run fingers back and forth.)
Spider scurrying,
See her little web.
(Make spiral with fingers.)

Fun Spider Crafts
Spiders - Use thumb prints dipped in black ink or
colored with a black marker. Add crayon
legs and features.
Spiders - Use various colors and sized pom-poms
and glue together to make spider body. Add
pipe cleaners for legs and wiggle eyes.
Spider Craft Ideas - Click Here!
Chocolate Spiders
You Need
Large block of Milk Cooking
2 Tablespoons of Crunchy Peanut Butter
1 Packet of Chang Noodles
Some dessicated coconut
1. Melt the
cooking chocolate slowly in a saucepan, stirring
as it melts.
2. Mix the peanut butter (you can warm the peanut
butter first) with chocolate.
3. Mix the melted chocolate and peanut butter,
with coconut, pour over the noodle mixture. Be
careful not to break up the noodle sticks.
4. Put them in spoonful sized dollops on
greaseproof paper and let them set.
Make a
Web - A crispy rice-cereal circle made with
melted chocolate and peanut butter if a web
pattern is piped on top. Draw the tip of a knife
or a wooden skewer, even a toothpick, through
concentric circles of melted chocolate, creamy
peanut butter or cake-decorating gel to form the
web pattern. Alternate directions each time,
dragging the point from the center to the outer
edge, then from the outer edge toward the center.
Suckers - Wrap black pipe
cleaners around the base of the sucker (the
bottom of the round part where it attaches to the
stick) You want to wrap this so that there are 4
legs on each side. Then glue wiggly eyes on the
body of the spider. Bend the legs to hold the
sucker up from the table.
out this cute Spider Hat from Little
Buggie Tutu - she give step by step directions on
how to make the hat. SO CUTE!
