I love to fill laundry baskets with baby goodies.
I always line the basket with a pack of newborn
I place items from the registry as well as some
things I loved having for my babies.
As a teacher I feel it is my duty to give every
child I come in touch with a great book. Every
baby gift I give always includes at least one of
my favorite books for baby!
Why not give one of your friends babies a gift
that will help foster a love of reading... A
board book basket.
Fill a basket with board books for baby. Stick in
a lovey for baby to ready with. Attach the poem
Read to your
bunny often,
It's twenty
minutes of fun.
It's twenty
minutes of moonlight,
And twenty
minutes of sun.
old-favorite minutes,
Twenty minutes
Read to your
bunny often,
Your bunny will
read to you.
By Rosemary
Some of my
favorite books to include in a basket. This
includes a little of everything to get baby
reading from birth to two.

Bath tub gift.
If the baby bath is still on the registry, grab
it. They are usually under $20.00 and you can
fill it with all kinds of goodies. You can go
with a bath & bedtime theme like above. This
one happens to be for twins; so I included two of
everything. Most came off the registry and some I
added. The best touch is to make a bed time CD
and a bath time CD to include in the tub for a
personal touch. You can see the CD's I made
below. Some of the other things for this basket
Two bath books, swaddle blankets, lovey blankets,
bath soap, baby lotion, Balmex, two bedtime
books, baby towels, bath toy, wash cloths, tooth
paste, baby care kit, pajamas...
(Picture of

Fill a wagon with baby items.