Welcome to Teaching is a Work of Heart's Happy
Birthday Unit! Here you will find thematic ideas
for a birthday theme in your classroom!
Guess who turns one on September 10th? My son!!!!
It is hard to believe a year has past. The best
year of my life! I thank God for this great gift
he has allowed me to borrow!!! In honor of his
birthday I have decided to put this birthday unit
on the site.
Updated Sept 2, 2003

Let's Start With
Some of My Favorite Birthday Poems!!!
Our Calendar
the calendar
High on the wall.
See winter and spring days,
And summer and fall.
Play days and work days,
And warm days and colder.
One days my birthday
And then Ill be older!!
Spider Birthday Cake
itsy bitsy spider crawled up the birthday
he ate up all the frosting,
and got a tummy ache,
and when they brought the ice cream,
he ate even more,
and the itsy bitsy spider fell sick upon
the floor.
They took him to the doctor because he
felt so bad,
it was the worst tummy ache that he ever
and when they brought the medicine it was
just a drink of water would be a great
big treat,so the itsy bitsy spider
crawled up the water spout,
down came the rain and washed the spider
Out came the sun and dried up all the
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the
Tune--"Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle goes this song.
It's your birthday all day long.
Last year you were ____ years old.
This year you are ______ we're told.
Happy birthday, little star.
Now we know how old you are.
Someone's Birthday
(to tune of London Bridge)
birthday is today,
Is today, is today.
Someone's birthday is today,
And it's ______!
prepare a birthday cake,
Birthday cake, birthday cake.
Let's prepare a birthday cake,
Just for __________!
a candle for each year,
For each year, for each year.
Add a candle for each year,
Just for __________!
a special birthday card,
Birthday card, birthday card.
Make a special birthday card,
Just for ___________!
a happy birthday song,
Birthday song, birthday song.
Sing a happy birthday song,
Just for ________!
Birthday Cake 
is my birthday.
I think I'll make a
Mix and stir, stir
and mix,
Then into the oven to
the cake so nice and round,
I'll put icing on so
I'll put on all the
To make my birthday
birthday to me
Books For Your Unit!

Various - Some
activities that I have completed with my classes.
students find their birthday on a calendar.
Birthdays of Our Classmates:
Give each student a birthday cake cutout. Have
them write their name and birthday date on the
cake. Place tape on the back of each cake.
Organize the birthdays in order on the board.
Next, give each a large candle. Have them write
the birthdays in order on the candle. Explain
that candles burn. When each student celebrates a
birthday the students cross out the name on their
candle. This candle can be kept in the MOOSE
we celebrate:
Discuss Traditions. Tell the children about the
birthday traditions at your home. Have the
students think of a tradition that is done on
birthdays at their house. If possible have them
find out where the tradition came from and how it
got started.
to Make Your Students Feel Special on Their Big
Buy a
large birthday flag with a pole. When a student
in your classroom is having a birthday, hang the
flag outside the room on their day. This is an
extra special greeting!
I let
the student sit in my calendar chair during
silent reading & when we sing happy birthday
to them at the end of the day. They love this!
As a
gift I give a certificate (you can download one
that is on CD #1 by going to http://www.teachingheart.net/CDBDAYTAG.doc
, a happy birthday present from Oriental Trading
company, and I stuff an empty toilet paper roll
with candy. I wrap the roll with birthday paper
and place ribbon on each side of the roll to shut
it. It looks very pretty. They are asked to open
this at home.
Do a search for
birthday at OT and see all the goodies you will
find! Just click the picture below!
(Photo Coming)
idea that I have done is to ask the students to
donate a NEW book to their class as an
alternative to bringing in treats to share. They
sign the inside of their book with their name and
a special birthday song for your students!
Birthday Album

Birthday Books - My
Click a Book to
Learn more or purchase at Amazon!

Good Resources For

Share a Birthday
Video With Your Class
the Big Red Dog Happy Birthday Game

Allow the birthday girl or boy to choose a friend
to play this special birthday game or this one
Happy Birthday Game: Ages 5-8 for 2-4 Players

Birthday Math
multi-colored strips of paper (1" x
3"). Have students arrange the colored
strips of paper onto another paper to look like a
rectangular rainbow birthday cake. They can glue
it into place and decorate the cake with candles.
Below they write the fraction of each color in
their cake. Example: My cake is 1/6 orange, 3/6
blue and 2/6 red - From Jen

Birthday Bulletin
Ideas Compiled From: http://teachers.net/mentors/kindergarten/
used cupcakes with a candle for each birthday and
the border is made up of birthday blowers...jenn
nj pk on 8/31/03
used birthday badges, wrote their name and
birthdate on the badge and then made a graph, so
we could see how many birthdays were in each
month. I added a birthday border, letters saying
Happy Birthday, and a few balloons to brighten it
up. Easy! -Barb/MN on 8/31/03
isn't really for a whole bulletin board. You just
need a small vertical space. I made an ice cream
cone and each of the kid's name and birthday is
on a scoop of ice cream. I have the Rainbow Room
so the scoops are a pattern of the the 6 colors
of the Rainbow with red at the top (don't forget
a cherry too). I put the first birthday of the
school year on the bottom so it is easily seen.
My preschoolers use it all year to figure out
whose birthday is next, how many more until
theirs etc. pam on 8/31/03
express...train with each month on one of the
cars. Precut kid figures with names on them to
ride the train car of their birth.
with children's names and birthday dates swimming
in a blue "sea". Next to this fish bowl
with each month's name labelled on them. When
it's the child's birthday they go fishing for
their fish and place it in the correct fish
bowl.hth! - maryel on 8/31/03
have a kite for each month with string hanging
from the bottom. The kids names and birthdays are
written on bows that are attached to the strings
-Catherine on 8/31/03
used the ice cream cones/scoops that someone else
talked about. But I did a cone for each month
(pattern of pointy cone then flat bottom cone)
and the kids will color the scoops like their
favorite flavor of ice cream with their
name/birthday on it. Then the scoops will make a
graph of how many birthdays are in each month. Melanie
on 8/31/03
For More Ideas
an Out of This World Board
Dog B-Board
Great Links

Please share a b-day
idea teachingheart@teachingheart.net